Enjoying it on TCM


Me too. I must say I'm rather impressed by what I am seeing.


I just finished watching this film (on TCM) for the first time in years.

I was 12 years old when I first saw it. I spend two years trying to duplicate Yul Brynner's proud, swaggering gait. As Black Eagle, he didn't just walk, he glided!



What a hokey film. I am watching it just for fun.

In fairness, this was made long before the archaeological discoveries and advances that provided so much more information about the Maya. But even in 1963, they must have known better than this.

The Maya look like European Egyptian Roman Greeks. It is interesting how few people, even among the extras, look like real Maya.

But as a piece of dated kitsch, it is entertaining.


LOL! "Stoneface's "quiff is cracking me up! he probably insisted on the same hairstyle for every role. I keep thinking "Westside Story every time I look at him.


Hmmm, I see they understand one another's language right away!


Minus a few hundred years.


CRAP! I'm sorry I missed it! Now I'll have to wait for the next Yul Brynner or Bad Mayan/Aztec/Indian Movie Marathon on TCM!!!


In all seriousness, the movie is actually quite good. So good, in fact, that I'm suprised it isn't better known.


I'd been quite impressed by Kings of the Sun when I saw it in theatrical release back in '63, and I picked up the DVD when it came available. Don't like it as much now, of course, but I don't regret the purchase.

Because I've always been interested in historical "what if?" conjecture, the idea of a Mayan/Mississippian cross-pollination was fascinating when I watched this film in 1963, and the memory of the movie has been sustained.

Oh good! My dog found the chainsaw!


"Kings of the Sun" is on again tonight, Thursday, 26 April 2012, on Turner Classic Movies (TCM). It's a 'swonderful film that I can recall really liking as a kid, back in the day!
