How did they make this movie?

Did they just have a endless supply of siamese cats? The lynx clearly catches the cat at least twice. They are well trained animals, but I can just imagine some stage hand flinging a cat down a waterfall. I'm fascinated and creeped out at the same time.


I know, right? How the heck did they keep that bear from stomping the other animals to death. Disney has a bad rep for this; their "nauture films" in the 50s and 60s. I recall their "documentaries" consisted of putting 2 animals on a soundstage and making them fight it out.

"Here on the desert sands of Mongolia, the Spitting Cobra has come against his ancient enemy, the Giant Scorpion"

Perhaps the most famous example is when they forced a bunch of lemmings off of a cliff to document their supposed "suicidal behavior" (a myth).


EEEKKK!! Gives even more credence to the rumor that Disney's main studio was nicknamed 'Mouschwitz'.


The film-making is definitely outdated and questionable. They actually threw the dogs and cat out there with a bear, and put the cat out with a lynx. This is exploitation of animals that wouldn't happen today.
