MovieChat Forums > The Incredible Journey (1963) Discussion > HOW can you think this is better than th...

HOW can you think this is better than the remake?



Of course this is better than the remake! If you are referring to homeward bound, that was the worst movie ever. They totally ruined the movie by putting actors in to give some sort of silly voice over for what the animals were meant to be thinking and even saying to eachother.

It was sacrilage!! Admittedly when they did it for the first 'Look who's talking' film it was novel and funny. But they should have left it there. To take a great movie like The Incredible Journey and destroy it with voice actors is abhorent!

And breathe...


I would put them at about the same. Where the remake had great humor and a good story... the original had interest and a more indepth look on the physical journey, not as much how the dogs changed.

~~BOOK (and movie) SPOILER!!!!!!!~~

What actually depressed me (about the book, not the movie) was that it talked the whole time about how Bodger and Tao were best friends and always hung out together, and Luath was off on his own a lot, basically being followed by or following Bodger but nothing ever built off of it. It had seemed to be a theme... like when it talked about Bodger and Tao scaring all the cats away, and how Bodger and Tao had been together longer. Well, I thought the journey would bring the three animals closer, but in the end, Luath went back with his owner and Tao ran back to Bodger to end his journey with this friend. They never really connected, and things went back to normal... I was happy that both movies kinda changed that ending (I'm a little hard of memory on this version... but I'm pretty sure that both animals went back to Bodger... along with the people) so that all three animals did build a stronger bond. I know it's more of a 'happily ever after' type of ending (meaning, and ending where everything's just perfect, and it's something you expect in all Disney movies), but if you were lost in the wilderness with someone and you relied on them, and they you, you'd think a stronger bond would be built... other than Luath just going off, not going back to Bodger...

So, yeah, I really liked both movies for different reasons... If I had to pick on, I think I'd pick The remake, just because I more for humor... but the original would be right up there, since I also like the documentry, real life kind of story.

"It's not Lupus"


Stuartcork7, I totally agree. Re-makes automatically make me cringe because, imho, Hollywood is lacking imagination and new ideas and relies too much on old classics. Add some flashy effects, talking animals, or potty humor, and voila! It's "updated" for a new generation that has little or no attention span, nor the patience to watch the animals' expressions and body language. I don't hate Homeward Bound, but when I saw wasn't what I expected at all. I was raised watching Incredible Journey, so I prefer it over HB. And anything narrated by Rex Allen is an automatic "hellyeah!"



Yes, I will go with that. I do prefer the no talking animals over the talking animals, they're the ones you really remember;
Rin Tin Tin
Terri (Toto in WOZ and Rags in a Sherly Temple movie)

I remember those dogs much more than I remember the ones that talk (by this I mean the real dogs that are given voiceovers... not animated dogs).
When I see a movie that is live action (not animated), I prefer the non talking animals over the talking ones. (it's different for an animated movie, because you know it's not going to be that realistic).

Ok... Maybe the horse Ed is an exception :) (He had to talk, because he was THAT amazing)

Ok, but you get my point. (but I still like Homeward Bound... because I like the characters, and the humor... I wont leave that point I made earlier).

"It's not Lupus"



you guys are just old relics and don't accept "newfangled" ideas like talking animals. and for that, i guess we have to agree to disagree. for i was raised on homeward bound, and not the incredible journey. and i think the incredible journey is stupid, boring, poorly made, and an old piece of crap.

good day SIR!



One movie with a semi-talking animal that is absolutely amazing is "Black Beauty". ...It was refreshing how the horse didn't exactly 'talk', but a human voice told his story, as if the horse was thinking. ...Maybe it's such a good movie because Hollywood didn't make it. ...British films always seem to best American ones.

"Can you still see when your head has been severed from your neck? Let's find out..."
- Drancron



I know that this comment is ridiculously old but I just had to comment.
You complain and say that remakes automatically make you cringe because of Hollywood lacking imagination e.t.c.

You are aware that The Incredible Journey (1963) is a 'remake' of a book. How is that any different? Updated for a new generation that has little or no attention span, nor the patience to read a book.

Besides, the acting was absolutely awful and the animal cruelty involved in making the film was atrocious.



I agree with you 1000 %!



The remake was a throwaway ripoff using several popular actors of the day to 'voice' the animals (a dumb idea at best) and will probably disappear into oblivion before too much longer. 'The Incredible Journey', on the other hand, will always be popular as the only honest tie-in to the original story, worth watching more than once.


The problem with films like Homeward Bound is that viewers pay more attention to the actors voices and the presumed humour that goes with them, instead of watching the animals themselves.
Maybe children in the nineties and since have lower attention spans, (or Hollywood thinks they do) that they need to give instant explanations and keep wayward attentions focused.
Hollywood should give audiences more credit.

I'm not really me. Thats me there- that pile of albino mouse droppings!


I preferred Homeward Bound purely because the animals looked like they enjoyed it more! The enjoyment of The Incredible Journey was ruined for me due to the parts where the animals were clearly in great distress.

I Hate Squeak


...Oh really. For your information, I've never even seen The Incredible Journey. I doubt many people from my generation (I was born in 1988) have. So exactly HOW will The Incredible Journey be popular if nobody in the future will remember it?

"Can you still see when your head has been severed from your neck? Let's find out..."
- Drancron


and will probably disappear into oblivion before too much longer. 'The Incredible Journey', on the other hand, will always be popular

That opinion certainly isn't supported statistically. Homeward Bound has around 30,000 more votes on IMDB and double the reviews on Amazon. I appreciate both but this one really has faded into oblivion especially with millennials. I'm 28 and only knew of its existence a few days ago and only because of an IMDB list. It's a shame as this one is the superior version.


I like both movies, but this one is original and timeless - the newer one is too Hollywood. It was a good idea but you can't really compare the two movies anyway. I never tire of this movie.


It's better directed, better acted, and feels more authentic to me.
"The Incredible Journey": 8/10 stars.
"Homeward Bound": 6/10 stars.


because it doesn't have that stupid inner monologue of the animals that Homeward Bound added to appeal to people too stupid to appreciate nature documentaries


An ancient OP, I realize, but I've always loved this film, and the book it was based on.

I saw some clips of Homeward Bound, but I doubt I've ever seen it in its entirety. Personally, I dislike animal films with cutesy, anthropomorphized voiceovers. The original, both the book and film, were based on an actual event, which was extraordinary, and believable.

To me the first filmed version, despite being a Disney production, was and will remain a classic, while Homeward Bound is not. If people enjoy the remake, more power to them.

I don't know how Homeward Bound ended, and if it was true to the book or not, but I have always been moved to involuntary blubbering tears when old Bodger finally shows up, after Tao and the golden retriever come home.
