MovieChat Forums > I Could Go on Singing (1963) Discussion > Inspired by Carnegie Hall Performance

Inspired by Carnegie Hall Performance

I am not an authority on Miss Garland by any means (not yet, anyway) but I love her regardless.

I may get a big "DUH!!!" from the devotees, but I've always loved this film. This film and her album of the Carnegie Hall performance on April 23rd 1961 reached me in a way that no other entertainer has.
My version of heaven consists of being able to go back in time and be at that concert hall that evening.
But I digress....

I wish I could remember where....I think it was in the Gerald Clark book it mentioned that the writer for the film was inspired by her Carnegie Hall performance.
Anyone care to confirm this or add more detail?

I have a terrible allergy. Vodka makes my clothes fall off.

