Was There Legal Action?

This is a complete ripoff of a somewhat better remake, "The Old Dark House"(1963). Although Andree Melly is very lovely as she was in "Brides Of Dracula"(1960).


I don't know about legal action, but that chick was more bizarre looking than attractive.


I finally got to see this, and babettegillette is utterly right. This is a flat-out copy of, the marginally better, Old Dark House (the 1963 version), without any acknowledgement of that fact, as far as I can tell. Both films also demonstrate, evidently, that comedy takes a different set of directing skills from horror. Two of the top horror directors of the time, Fisher and Castle, do poorly with these comedies. What a Carve Up and Carry On Screaming do a better job splicing these genres.


I would say this one has enough different plot details to the 1963 Old Dark House for it not to be a complete rip-off. The same as the 1963 Old Dark House is different enough from the original 1932 Old Dark House for it not to be a copy.
