Ending *Spoilers*

Darn it. I watched the entire movie today and got up to answer the phone and sure enough the movie ended. Last thing I saw was the discovery of the astronaut supposed to go into space tied up back in his room. Smallwood singing in the rocket and someone trying to give sermon in a church with rain falling on the roof (which had been stripped/robbed of its coating). What happened after that?

Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.


Never interrupt a film to answer the phone, if it's important, they'll call back!

Anyway, that was it, you saw it all, but for the credits. After the shot of the other Smallwood getting drenched in the church, trying to start a sermon, we hear Peter Sellers singing in his rocket again as the camera pans up to the sky, then the credits roll.

I recorded it earlier, just watched it now.


Appropriate that he was singing Jesu lover of my soul/Let me to thy bosom fly"!
