Lianas tits

Wow nice


Morris's too. Nice! At least the left one, since the toga covers the right.
Praise the gods for TCM :)


Cute miniskirts on our brave heroes, too. Really, the costumes are quite nice in this movie on men and women.


Praise the gods for miniskirts! I always hated the long board shorts and extra long basketball shorts. At one point they were down to the calf! Happily, I noticed this year that the trend has reversed and shorts are getting short again instead of long!
My one complaint with the wardrobe department is the diapers they put on these men under their togas! That can't be historically accurate ;)


Urgent toga update! About an hour in, Ercole strips off his Roman soldier disguise and reveals his entire bare chest for the remainder of the story.
Well played, Francisci. Well played.


Mmm nice racks mmmm


OP, the movie started at 8:30am and you posted just a few minutes later. It looks like Liana plays Delilah, but her 1st appearance on screen isn't until over a half hour into the film (when she performs the Dance of the 7 Veils-- while being "whipped"!). Are you sure you're admiring Liana's rack? I think it's more likely it was the actress in blue playing Ercole's wife, Iole (or Jole).

In any case, it's hard to tell who's who here, since its difficult to ID the actors to even the characters whom are named. For some reason, Ercole's wife's name is listed here as Leria, but in the English dubbed version is referred to as Iole (the same name Francisci used in this Steve Reeves epics).

C'mon everybody. Let's play "Who's Rack is it, Anyway?"!
