Lipstick, stockings and chewing gum... the B-52 crew survival kits.

Why exactly?


In the Soviet Union goods like these were sought after and hard to find. People often spend hours in line for any poorly made communist item (shoes, toilet paper, clothes etc) Stockings and lipstick were almost nonexistent for most of the women.

Goods could be used as trade if the pilot is in a tight spot.


Ok, that makes some sense.

But still, NINE packs of chewing gum? Bit excessive I would say.


They don't take up much space and can be hidden all over the body for easy access and quick trading.


Good God, does it really have to be spelled out? These are typical items for American soldiers to use in a war zone (or in post war Germany for example) to trade for sexual favours. They go perfectly together with prophylactics.


The miniature combination Rooshian phrase book and bible always cracks me up.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsonZZZZZzzzzz--" - Frank Grimes


To find use for the "prophylactics" obviously...


Because the crew were all deviated preverts.


Because a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Dallas with all that stuff. (Original line before 'Vegas' was dubbed in.)

Guacamole in my choos



Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Also, nylons can be used for makeshift water filters and condoms can be used for water storage and to keep gun barrels dry

I still had a ham sandwich for lunch and my mom makes great pork chops-George Allen
