My Car. Please do tell.

I have a 1937 nash and i was told that is was used in this movie and was wrecked while fiming does anyone recall this happening in the film i would apreciate any help.

Thanks- Ed


one car is driven in the movie but I wouldn't know the make or model. And no it doesn't get wrecked, if it happens to be the same make. Also there is a scene where one character is escorted to a car and driven off. But I don't know the model and it too is not wrecked on film. Watch the movie on youtube and check for yourself. How would they have got ahold of your car? Did you know shirley clarke?


I just now read your message. No i dont know a Shirley Clarke. i bought the car a few years ago and the story i got with it was that it was in a movie called the cool world.
