A GREAT 'Bum' movie!

I just saw this film, this morning, and I thought I was seeing the story of my life. You see, all through the movie, Lee J. Cobb (a GREAT character actor!) refers to his two sons, Frank Sinatra and
Tony Bill, as "bums," because they like to party, drink and chase women. Cobb, on the other hand, thinks that men who are not married by a certain age, are "bums." So, HOW does THIS apply to me? Well, until he recently passed, MY step-father used to call ME a "bum," too. Unfortunately, I
didn't have HALF the fun that Sinatra and Bill have in THIS movie. Oh, yeah, keeping in line with the "bum" theme, Rat Pack member, Dean Martin, shows up in a cameo appearance playing - what else - a street "bum." Go ahead, watch this movie - I DARE YOU - and try NOT to like it! It simply CAN'T be done. That's right. NO WAY this movie will get you "bummed out!"

I'm the bad guy? How'd that happen?
Michael Douglas ("D-FENS"), in "Falling Down"


That's very right, this movie is very much worth watching:D


Haven't seen it in yrs on many TV prints back when, Molly Picon's solo was sadly missing, very funny lady.

First time I saw on TV (ABC Network) the scene after Jill St. John comes out in only a towel and Lee J. Cobb yells very loud "My tongue should fall out" for some reason the network lowered the volume.

For what reason who knows?

See some stars here
