not bad

I give it a 6

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


Not bad????

This is IMO one of the most clever anti "anti-war movies". It's not for everybody, that's true, because it says what everybody (or at least most people) prefers not to hear:

That war is absurd, ridiculous, immoral, criminal, stupid, sinful, idiotic, etc. ANY kind of war.

"les carabiniers" also ridiculizes movies depicting war as something "wonderful" and "marvelous", That's pure crap

War is about stealing lands and riches, about raping women, about massacring innocent civilians, about killing elder people and kids for no reason, about chauvinism and greed.

Movies that glorifies war (I can name a few hundreds) are accomplices on war supporting by the public opinion in certain way. Sometimes in a very evident way. (haven't you seen "The Green Berets" by John Wayne or "Rambo"?)

"Les carabiniers" in its crude and parody-like tone, funny at times, shows us what really means war and how far are from the truth those movies where the brave patriotic soldier kills dozens of "evil" enemies and at the end of the conflict is received as a hero in his home, just to be forgotten and treated like trash few years later; When he is too old and no longer necessary. Any war veteran knows that.

This movie is not bad at all, It's quite good!

