Help get this on DVD

Go to and vote for a DVD.

What the hell are you waiting for; do it now! Now I say!


It IS on DVD. Russ Meyer's company still owns it and distributes it through RM Films (rmfilms . com). That's the only way to get it on DVD in the U.S., and probably will be for some time to come. It was also released by Arrow in the U.K. as part of the Russ Meyer collection, on a double bill with Meyer's 1973 slavery epic BLACKSNAKE. That disc has a few trailers and TV spots. Arrow's overall collection, however, is loaded with special features, including several commentaries from Meyer himself that are not available elsewhere. The 18-film boxed set is available at Amazon U.K. and occasionally drops in price. Got mine for around $3 per film in a recent drop.

TCM can't do anything for you in regards to most of Meyer's films.


Oh, then help get this on a widly avalible the US!

Yeah, that's what I meant.


Also on the 5-DVD Chinese "Wide Box" (the Chinese meant to say "Wild", naming the set after this flick.)
