Robert Aldrich

I’m surprised there was no thread on this board about Robert Aldrich -- I think his work on this movie is fantastic. Every scene is memorable and seems loaded with meaning. An essay on him appears in a recent book on film noir directors. Here’s a review:

Can anyone recommend a good book about his work?


dunno about book. but 'the grissom gang' is an underrated classic movie.

Aloha, Mr. Hand.


Also, The Killing of Sister George is good. Never liked The Legend of Lila Clair, tho. coulnd't get into it.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


thx. will give it a look.

Aloha, Mr. Hand.


It's heavily about Lesbianism...and is quite shocking even by today's standards. I believe it was an X back then. So, if that disturbs you, i'd shy away.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


Best thing about Lila Clair was Kin Novack


Bob Aldrich brought Joan on board. Joan Crawford loved his direction in Autumn Leaves a movie which is her last true romantic role and one she was very proud of. Both Joan and Bette were desperate for intelligent scripts and savvy direction and Aldrich delivered.


He also was good with so-called "manly" movies such as "The Dirty Dozen" and "The Longest Yard" (1974 version). He seemed to have a good grasp on both ends of the stick.


very true.

Season's Greetings!


He achieved great success over a wide range of genres. My favourites were Ulzanna's Raid and The Longest Yard.
