Brigitte Bardot

Though by no means a starring part, Ghislaine could have been played by Brigitte Bardot, I felt.There were moments when Dany Robin adopted Bardot-esque mannerisms and similar voice inflections.


Voice inflations?? I thought the curtain was green.

What is the sound an imploding pimp makes?


...the curtain was indeed green and it guided you behind the green door...


she did her best work in "Rhumba of the Foredoors".

What is the sound an imploding pimp makes?


She was great in "Mambo Dumbo" too.

The sound an imploding pimp makes is a pop sound


Was that the one with costar Lenard Maltin when they did a duet with a jews harp and a mountain goat or was that sumthin else?

What is the sound an imploding pimp makes?
