Looping Anyone?

This movie has the worst voice-over since La Cage Aux Folles (en Francais).

And Broderick Crawford as Don Sancho? Puleeze!!! I was waiting for him to say Ten-Quatro.


You must be watching it on TCM too. What a snooze fest huh?


Crawford's laugh track: Worst ever. Terrible film, even Alida Valli couldn't help this turkey.


On TCM again this morning.
Not the worst movie I've seen by far, but it could have been 'the model' for the 'Spaghetti Westerns' made AFTER the Clint Eastwood "Man With No Name" series.

I have to say it had a huge cast of extras. That made me wonder if someone from Europe decided to make a film with, say, Civil War re-enactors for Gettysburg, would it seem the same look and feel?

There were some limited FX on the battle 'carnage'... fire, people falling from the castle, from horseback, swordplay chopping off a limb here and there, (shown only after the chopping), lots of face/head wounds from swords, people getting stabbed with daggers and swords that never seemed to have blood on them, lots of people getting hit with arrows, but not very good FX looked more like someone threw a bundle in the air somehow, (because some were even travelling sideways).

Even with the fact that the actual locations were used in the filming, I wonder if the history is accurate, or based more on legends.

One other comment: I caught it sometime after it started, and I had no idea it was a long(er) movie. Some of the battlefield 'chopping' could have been shortened IMHO, but I suppose it was there to explain the post-battle views of what remained... (lots of dead, was probably realistic).

Overall, I'm not sorry I watched it, and might want to catch the start and parts of it later.
(5.7 rating might be just a little low...)


Re: "Even with the fact that the actual locations were used in the filming, I wonder if the history is accurate, or based more on legends."

The movie had one of Jesus' Apostles walking the Earth in the Middle Ages. So that's history for you.

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