Product Placement

This is a gorgeous movie, and I found myself losing time, always surprised at how quickly the time flew as I watched such a slow story.

But, has anyone else taken note of how much product placement is in this film. I noticed Canada Dry (which is interesting that it was in Japan 50 years ago) but, specifically, I wonder if this movie was financed by Sapporo.

If you ever want to play the most esoteric drinking game, take a slug every time you see the star on screen, I would guess that if you drink 100ml everytime, you won`t remember the ending.

My only other note here, is that I find it interesting, that with so much drinking in this movie, it doesn`t comment much or give meaning to such repetitive action. Finish work, drink, drink, work, drink, think about daughters future, drink. Although there is one drunk, who seemingly takes a toll on his family, everyone else drinks away the time with no consequences. I am wondering if this is cultural (drinking is part of the job in Japan) generational (50 years ago).

These are merely comments, not complaints, as I enjoy Ozu deeply, and am using his films to brush up my Japanese (he is better for this than Kurusawa, as Ozu`s Japanese is more current).

Looking forward to watching more Ozu.


I'm not sure about the product placement. I always assumed that Ozu used corporate logos (Coca Cola, Canada Dry, etc) to emphasize the Americanization of postwar Japan, but that wouldn't explain all the Sapporo plugs. It could be product placement, or it could also be that he simply liked it so much.

As for the excessive drinking, in the documentary "I lived, but..." it is mentioned that Ozu was an extremely heavy drinker. He would get together with his writers and spend 3 months working on a script, and it was jokingly stated that 2 of those months was drinking and 1 month was writing.


here's a clip:


I also noticed a lot of alcohol brands but the one that seemed most obvious to me was Suntory. There are numerous clearly positioned logos and ads, particularly in the bar of 'the Gourd'. As Suntory and Sapporo are rival companies I'm inclined to think it isn't sponsored product placement so much as part of a deliberate mise en scene. As you mention, drinking features significantly in this film, more so than in other Ozu. But it isn't seen as positive, it's presented as something to wary of and an affliction that the lonely suffer from. Ryu's character drinking too much and causing his daughter concern, the Gaurd clearly being a depressed alcoholic, and the final moment in which Ryu, feeling melancholy after his daughter's wedding (and already hammered), seems to resort to yet more booze to ease his fears. Given the prominent role alchohol plays in the plot I think it's fitting we should see so much branding, that's both filmic and Ozu-like. So I'm not inclined to think it's sponsored, but who knows, Ozu certainly liked a tipple!


heh from the thread title i thought this would be about Suntory. I guess one could say this movie had a little too much of those 'shots' (in all possible meanings) :)
(Obviously still a great movie)


Agreed, Suntory was the most prominent.
Product placement in the US goes back to the 1930s so it wouldn't be surprising at all to find it the case in this much later film.
