Better than Yojimbo

I really liked Yojimbo, but felt it dragged a little in the middle (and some of the minor plot points are not so easy to pick up). Sanjuro is just an all-round more entertaining film and Mifune's character is even more badass! And a great final scene...
Anyone else feel this same way?


I prefer Sanjuro and for the reasons you mentioned, it's a tighter and more entertaining film.

Well maybe you shouldn't drink, then you'd have six bits when you need it.


I love them both, although I would say Yojimbo is a slightly better film.
I don't understand though why sanjuro is so much less popular.


Heck yes. Sanjuro and Hidden Fortress are Akira Kurosawa's most straight up entertaining films, at leasts of those that I have seen.


I love both movies very much, but Sanjuro was a bit more entertaining for me. I wish it was more popular. Definitely material for top 250.


No. I admit I didn't love YOJIMBO, but it's a masterpiece compared to this.



I prefer Yojimbo. I find the pace, story, cinematography to be better. Overall, a better movie.

But that's no slight on Sanjuro, a really nice movie and, really, a grey complement to Yojimbo. It's hard for me to dissociate those movies. I find they work really well when watched back to back, for obvious reasons.


I also preferred Sanjuro as its narrative felt more stronger. At times Yojimbo was hard to follow though it was still a good film.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


Sanjuro is absolutely better than Yojimbo. The only reason Yojimbo gets talked about more is because Yojimbo was ripped off and remade several times. Sadly, people seem to confuse that to mean that Yojimbo is greater than it actually is.
