Is this the movie? (SPOILER)

I wander if this is the movie I'm looking for. It ends with some people at the top of a spiral staircase. The stearcase is going to fall down because of the people's weight.

A fire engine arrives and sends up e great ladder to rescue the people. They climbs over to the ladder, but their weight makes the ladder swing from side to side.

Is "The Road to Hong Kong" the movie I am looking for?

... Excuse my bad English ...


You are thinking of It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World! They were on a fire escape on the outside of a building when the firetruck came.


Yeh, that's it! Thank you!

(Excuse my bad English)


Wow, it's really hard to get those two confused! IAMMMMW is one of my favourite movies, a real cinematic milestone and a Who's Who of comedy history.
