Curses on you TCM

for cutting off the last 5 minutes of this movie. Not 30 seconds, but 5 whole minutes! What is the point of even watching it if you miss the climax of the entire movie? No respect for DVR/TiVo viewers at all.



Happened to me twice!! First time missed the ending....second time, didn't add enough extra mins to recording. This past Wednesday, I finally got to see the WHOLE MOVIE after almost two years from the original screening!
Damn shame in this day and age with so called technology.


I'm not so sure it's not your provider. I have repeatedly and constantly DVR'd things from TCM and have never, ever had a movie get cut off at the end - even this one. I DVR'd it on 9/5/12 and the whole enchilada plus a few mins extra were at the end of mine.


According to the dvd commentary this was two movies spliced together. The beginning and the end were add-ons. Even so, I guess the commercials pay for everything my cable subscription does not pay for. I suppose they could easily take 30 minutes of the movie.


TCM is commercial free during your program. While they may have self-promoting ads in-between movies, during the time of the movie, TCM is commercial free, unedited and blessed!


You have to account for those intros the hosts give - the movies rarely start at on the hour etc and never at the time the TV/cable listings state that the actual movie begins.
