scene from phaedra

this particular scene is from a anthony perkins movie, where i think anthony perkins throws a whole bunch of saucers from the river bank to the river or to the street. is it from "phaedra" or some other movie. will be thrilled to hear from any viewer out there that remembers the scene.
kapu prabhakara


Yes, it is indeed from Phaedra. Tony is on a yacht in Greek during a party. Another young man challenges him to throw a plate as a discus over the water to see who can throw the farthest. Of course, Anthony outwits the brawny Greek by skipping the plate farther across the water.

BTW, there was a seller on ebay who was selling bootleg copies of Phaedra recently. When I asked if they were bootleg, I was barred from buying them!


Yes, the scene is from Phaedra. BTW, it's a Greek custom to throw plates to show happiness, or approval of, say, a band or other entertainment. So much so, that some Athenian restaurants have had to outlaw the practice!


Lol, didn't know that. That is one of my favourie scenes in the movie. And probably the happiest, truly happy.


That was one of my favourite scenes of the movie :D. Truly memorable . And happy, and careless. The way Alexis blended in, and the rest accepted him.
