name that Bach song

Which Bach song does anthony perkins die to?

"Just my little tribute to Caligula Darli'g!"


It was a long time ago that I saw this film, but (having just heard it on the radio) I'm fairly certain that Perkins sings along to the great Toccata in F major by JS Bach, Here's a link to the Amazon MP3 page:
You'll need to play it all, because the tune Perkins sings comes in halfway through.
I wonder if you agree with me? It was certainly a wonderful ending, with the lorry representing the sea monster Poseidon in the original Myth.....


It is not a song, but rather a theme occurs several times in the Toccata from Bach's Toccata and Fugue in F Major, BWV 540. Various renditions can be seen and heard on Youtube. Note, however, that different organists play it at different tempos. Those played by Balint Karosi and Arjen Leistra on Youtube seem to approximate the fire imparted by the version used in the movie.


:) I couldn't concentrate on the music at all - just noted it was ominous and played by organ, and Alexis was saying Bach, but the dramatic avalanche of stimuli was so well blended, it felt like an overwhelming entity knocking everything in its way ...

thank you for the detailed post.


Here it is, being played very well on the organ on/for which Bach composed it:

All that is visible must grow beyond itself...


Well...guys... so long!
Thanks for all the good ideas that you've shared here.

It seems these Message Boards will be forever deleted by his majesty IMDb, without any regard to its mere users.
Nice to be talking to you here, the most constructive part of a film page...
(the Review part was the worst, with all the too many ego-filled, pretentious "reviews")
