Charles Coward [grandad]

I can assure you that the story is real and what happened ,happened,beleive me its my heritage, Only saw grandad few times after we moved to canada, he came to visit, have a lot of photos from inside stalag 8 and other ones from in camp.can copy if interested,still have all grandads medals hopeing to return them this year to rightful place ! any questions feel free to write, [email protected]


And I say, after extensive research, that grandpa relied heavily on other people's exploits. That is not saying he did not have his own exploits, but there are too many gaps, too many holes in grandpa's story. Basically, granddaddy embellished, IMO.

and at one point, medals were being given out carte blanche!!!

I have no hidden agenda, just curious about the truth. You Diablo on the other hand, have an agenda. Too bad granddaddy is not her to refute the claims of others that say he did not do the exploits your grandfather claims. Sorry to burst your balloon, but it does not add up.

And it puzzles me, why the Iron Cross? Oh, I know, but I won't say.
