MovieChat Forums > Panic in Year Zero! (1962) Discussion > Excellent Depiction Of Quick Societal Br...

Excellent Depiction Of Quick Societal Breakdown

Live in hurricane alley and have seen similar behavior, albeit at a much more subtle level, in stores just hours before hurricanes make landfall.

Wonder if the producers had trouble with the censors, considering this was made in the depths of the Cold War?


<Wonder if the producers had trouble with the censors, considering this was made in the depths of the Cold War?>

I don't see why they would, even considering when it was made.


I agree, censorship was melting away faster than L.A. by then, and there was nothing even Hollywood's idiot censors would have found objectionable about the events in this film. There's nothing in PIYZ that's really unfavorable to the government, military or anyone in authority: it's your average red-blooded American citizens who are the greedy, panicking dopes. In fact, both the armed forces and civil defense authorities come off pretty well in this movie -- depicted as being calm and in charge to the best of their ability...

...and, of course, in the end...WE WIN!!!

"Well, ding-ding for us!"

Besides, movie censors were more concerned about banning female nudity than scenes of shooting people in the head -- by way of trying to keep our minds pure, Christian and unsullied -- and there was certainly nothing in Year Zero that ran afoul of that particular stricture...although the floating bra scene was pretty risque.


Hey hob, are you sure that it was a bra? It looked more like a slip to me.


I don't know -- you may be right. I didn't go back to check, but relied on 45 years of sporadically seeing this movie! But it's quite possible I "slipped" up.

Still -- bra, slip, panties, teddy, open-crotch lap-dancing outfit -- ooh la la, non?

Plus we see Marilyn on a bed later on in her house -- and clearly no good girl would be sitting disheveled on her bed in the middle of the day had she not been r-a-p-e-d by b-e-a-t-n-i-k-s...if you get my 1962 drift....


Americans believe(even more in 1962) that they were the greatest people in world history. PIYZ depicts these superiors beings suddenly beginning to run amuck. Thought that might be a problem.


Nah, hundreds of movies had depicted Americans behaving badly. No big deal, as long as the good guys won out. Oh, and nobody ever slept together.


"Americans believe(even more in 1962) that they were the greatest people in world history."

???????????????? Who is more self-crtical than Americans? Then and now. I think you are mistaking them for the French, who have never been wrong from Vercingetorix to le Grande Charles


not bad at all.
