Ray Milland did a good job

When Ray Milland's career was slowing down, he did some projects with Roger Corman. The Man with the X Ray Eyes and Panic in the Year Zero were the best.
Despite working with a minimal budget, Milland did a good job directing Panic in the Year Zero and this film was somewhat ahead of it's time.


I agree. Although now it's merely an interesting relic--I think mostly because of the speed of communications today. Also there are fewer of those thriving small towns than can keep out the riff raff. today, I think the grocery store Ray Milland stocked up at would have already been overrun, and the guns would have already been gone from the hardware store.

The advent of cell phones and the internet have made it harder to make a suspensful movie like this today. For a very updated realistic look at post-holicaust survival, watch the TV Series Jericho.


He was a terrific actor, IMHO, and unfairly never fully recognized. The fact that he did horror and suspense movies in the '60s and '70s, pretty much like some of his female peers in camp, makes me admire him even more so, either if he did it because he loved his profession or for the money only.

Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop
