Favourite Lines

Gridley: I'll check all my kidney pies for poison!

Gridley: Carly, don't be a dream I'm having. Don't just disappear in the night.

Gridley: You want me to be a male Mata Hari?! I'm a member of the State Department, not the VICE SQUAD!

Gridley: In other words, if she knows...I know...I go?
Armbruster: That's right and I hope you haven't taken to talking in rhyme...

Armbruster: Did I call at an inopportune moment again?
Gridley: Most inopportune.

Marilyn Monroe: I don't want to be rich. I just want to be wonderful.


Hi MissSugarKane,
didn't you forget one:

Carlye: Men in public office, they can't afford to be involved in a scandal.

Bill: Well, they can if the scandal looks like you.

Rome! By all means, Rome.


"Your photographs don't really do you justice!"
"Well, the lighting's not terribly good, in police stations!"

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
