TV Western film clips question

In re-watching this movie the other night I told my husband that I thought the Western playing on the TV was an old Jimmy Stewart movie. But then after I said it I couldn't remember where I knew that from or if I was just making it up. I was really thinking that that was either him or Henry Fonda who yells after falling off the horse.

I always just thought this was an inside joke. Does anyone know if this is true? Or what movie clip they are watching on TV?



I think it was The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.



The second time that the western movie clip is shown, Hobb's and his wife are in bed, listening to the TV in the other room. They comment about waiting for 'Black Bart' to get shot and yelling as he falls off his horse.
Maybe this was just a generic comment about a western movie rather than factual reference to this particular movie. The "Movie Connections" link sheds no light on the title of the western movie shown.


They used old public domain western footage. Generic in nature. Using any footage other than stock footage would have required clearances. Movie studios would not have wanted to pay any royalties.

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."
