Favourite O'Neill Plays

I'm fairly curious to see as to what people's favourite plays by Gene are, and since nobody seems to post on his own board, I thought I'd start that ball rolling on this board:

1. Long Day's Journey Into Night
2. The Iceman Cometh
3. The Hairy Ape
4. Hughie
5. Mourning Becomes Electra
6. Ah, Wilderness!
7. All God's Chillun Got Wings
8. Beyond the Horizon
9. Marco Millions
10.Strange Interlude

"All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie"
- Bob Dylan


I hate to admit that the only O'Neill besides this I am familiar with is THE HAIRY APE and MOURNING BECOMES ELECTRA.

Life, every now and then, behaves as though it had seen too many bad movies


Not so much the old movie, where they wrote a lot of extra dialogue, but the original one act play. Read it in college lit. class and never forgot it.

"It's the system, Lara. People will be different after the Revolution."


Nobody's mentioned Emperor Jones yet....
