First Blood de ja vue

Is it just me, or did this film remind you of First Blood? (Apart from the ending)


Probably the First Blood FILM did borrow from LATB - the First Blood novel, not so much. LATB set a cinematic structure for an outdoor cops n robbers type film for sure. Not to mention that Jerry Goldsmith scored both films!


I definitely noticed that - especially when he's climbing the mountain, and shooting at the helicopter!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Good catch with the helicopter! There are several parallels between the two movies: in both films, the main character is basically "innocent" in that his crimes are not capital-punishment-worthy; he makes his escape into a wilderness with which he is survival-oriented; he has a special grudge against one law enforcement officer, from whom he exacts physical vengeance; he is the target of an urban-to-wilderness manhunt; LEA agents are more or less incompetent individually and in their means of pursuit.
