The killer did not finish the job of disposing of Joan's body. Some of her body parts were found in the incinerator but I got the impression most of her body was stuffed into the trunk. I assumed it included her head.
The identification by way of her teeth was because they did not know who she was. They originally thought she was Jean but when they found Jean they still needed to figure out who 'Mrs. Campbell' was. Also, if I'm not mistaken, the actual teeth aren't used; rather the pattern of the teeth are matched to x-rays. I don't know if one tooth would have done the job. Today there may be a way to extract DNA but in the sixties DNA was not a factor.
Having identified her, the detectives didn't really need the parents to identify her; that was more procedural. They went to notify the parents of her death and to get whatever information they could provide. What they told the detectives about her former love interest helped move the case along.
Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]