The Killer...

This is a murder mystery.
BUT if you look at the cast-list on IMBb, you can very easily work out who the killer is.
What's worse, Renown, the company that released the DVD in Britain has also put that same cast list on the cover of the DVD... "so that's the killer", no need to watch the movie.
Renown is a strange company. They release a lot of forgotten, obscure British films, but their credentials as
movie-lovers are a little suspect when they can proudly announce that some of their films are colourized,
and often, with their mystery releases, you are advised not to read the back of the DVD as they have no compunction in letting you know who the killer is.


I don't think that revealing the murderer was that much important in this film.
it was more less not in the spotlight - instead it was the clues - putting jigsaw together in complete, the important part.

we know who is the murderer in the first 5 minutes of the movie - it was a guy that was in a relationship with some tramp he pumped up


Well that's a strange, bizarre answer. Of course it matters. It's called Jigsaw. It's a whodunnit.

What a goof. Somebody should have gotten reamed out for this mistake, and someone should ask IMDB to change the credits.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.


Lucily I happened not to see that before watching it. What a shame for this awesome practically lost whodunnit to be spoiled so stupidly and so needlessly.

I don't know what to make of the other response to this. Goofball.



I agree it was an enjoyable film but had I known who the killer was ahead of time I would not feel the same way. Whether it's a whodunit or any other genre, I'm never interested in learning what happens at the end of a movie; until, of course, I get to the end after watching the entire movie.

For those reasons, I avoid reading anything about the movies I plan to see before I see them. That's probably why I like older movies as much as I do. Today, we are bombarded by trailers, interviews, and other promotions that seem to always give away the entire movie.

I don't even want to know that there's a twist or a surprise ending coming because I'm expecting something and when it does happen it's a letdown compared to what my own imagination was able to conjure up.

My advice to people who don't like movies spoiled for them is don't help it happen. Chose movies based on genre, the actors in it, the period in which it was made, by some other criteria, or just give a movie a chance. I took a chance on this one and didn't regret it. The size of the cast gave nothing away.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
