
How does this guy get into women's rooms, find a hiding place, and know that they can't see him when he's blind? I had no ideas as to why they made the character a blind man.



... and when the chick is trapped in his "lair"... all she would have to do is be quiet to avoid him, but he pretty much goes right over to her.

I guess that's why, as of sep 2013, its rated as a 6.


He seemed to have no trouble getting around even though he was blind. Definitely a plot hole.


He navigates by sound. The feasibility of this takes some suspension of disbelief, but it's a horror movie. You can ascertain he's already familiar with the layout of some places, like the abandoned castle/house that Orloff locks the drunken woman (played by Maria Silva) in. And we get those echoes when she calls out, showing how sound moves in the place, so take it that Morpho is able to navigate by sonar. It's not perfect, he still bumps into things, but it works well enough.

I thought he made for a very effective and creepy character.
