Pure Family Fun Fare

This movie has so much going for it:

-Peter Lorre

-exotic travel from jungle to desert

-marvelous & memorable song

-Red Buttons

-Babs Eden

-the chimp

-irrepressible Mr Daniell

-the balloon itself

-campy humour

-Herb Marshall



It's a nice film. It's not insulting, it's not over sexualized, nor overly romantic either. It doesn't stress violence, nor veer anywhere in the extreme.

It's kind of an old fashioned film with some g-rated heroics. This is actually the way I like films. These are the kinds of films I grew up with, and the kinds of films I wish they'd make more of.

The filming style is old-school, as can be expected, which gives it a dated feel, but it's still an okay watch.


Couldn't agree more;

harmless fun was the order of the day. Since I grew up during those years, I rather miss the inoffensive way films were made. I strongly suspect this is why the imagination reigned so well then. In other words, explicitness was simply not necessary for it was the art of telling the story and one could "fill in" the rest of the details.

Alas,I miss the former innocence of movie-making in a time past.


Yeah, very true.


2 TRUE indeed;

kids today are subjected to some of the worse kinds of ideas which lead to the occult, sadism, no subtlety of sex,of course, and, too often, 'the dark side' of things. Kids aren't allowed 'the luxury' of growing up gradually or normally or even naturally.

It ain't right and there is nothing 'progressive' about it at all.
