English Subtitles

Anybody else having trouble with getting subs to work after the first half of the film? It's odd but a couple of versions of the English subs fail to appear after about half way into the film. Actually I also checked various Italian subs and had the same problem.


Can I ask you where you got a copy of the film? I thought it was impossible.


Well, March version of me: Hold your horses. In a short 7 months you'll have seen the film for yourself.

My, you're a handsome fellow. Xoxo


Yes! I had many problems getting English subtitles from different sources to go with the film. I used Handbrake and VLC and others to no avail. Finally I found a not quite HD copy that had an English audio track. Problem being, it randomly reverted back to French periodically. So it was a distraction.

There's a lot to like about this film but it falls far short of the novel. Or the OTR adaptations. Mainly it's missing the atmosphere, but I don't like how it switches the POV from the historian to the son of the murdered man. Takes away a lot of the mystery if not all of it.

Worst of all, because I couldn't watch it for a while due to the sub problem and because it's the only JDC film apart from Dangerous Crossing, my expectations were through the roof.

