Lesbian Heroine?

It seemed to me pretty clear that the heroine was a lesbian. She starts off riding in the car with two women who drag race men, she tells the doctor repeatedly that she has no interest in men and never has -- and keeps away from her lecherous neighbor, she's more than willing to have her landlady come in when she's half-dressed, and there are lots of other little clues along the way. I saw the dance at the end as being about her being sucked into zombie-ish heterosexuality -- and running from it.

After watching the interviews with the writer and director, I was surprised that no one said anything about that (even though Kansans might not use the word "lesbian" out loud. :-) ) Am I reading too much into this or did other people think this too?


Personally i found nothing in this movie that made me think that Mary was a Lesbian. Sure she pushed away John. But if the only man who came on to you was a guy who looked like he worked for the mob. had Greasie hair and most likly had a weird shrine of you with some hair clipings. You would be running to the exit to. Now if some nice looking handsome guy was living down the hall. I think her reaction would have been different. Plus the fact that she was Dead through the whole movie must not of help her sex drive.


Mary's lack of interest in men is meant to represent sexual death. For a detailed analysis, check out this site:




i thought dead people never thought about sex.just us living folks.by the way candice was the most beautiful dead girl that i never got to kiss.



thanks for the link. terrific article.


dont you know? any woman who resists a creepy guy from coming on to them must be a lesbian.



She never struck me as being a lesbian... then again, she never really did anything to confirm any suspicions that she wasn't a homosexual. I think people may be over-analyzing the film a little too much, because I never even thought about that until I read this post. She wasn't interested in men at all, though, so who knows?

A Black Christmas (1974) Fansite



Right. A 20-something "spinster", ?!. What a fool. Any intelligent people posting here ?


How funny but I'm not surprised. A male film viewer judging a woman in the film on how she reacts to an obviously DUMB male in the movie ? For that you assume she's a LESBIAN ? The guy in the film was a loser. What about the guy,what supposed to attract her to him ? That he was so stupid ? That he had no vocabulary ? He was an alchoholic ? That is supposed to attract her ? Why are men like you so freaking DENSE ? I think her reactions were about what I'd expect if she met a dope like that.



Of course she wasn't lesbian. There are no indications about her sexuality. Ahe was definitely more asexual. I also find it funny that man watching this movie thinks that if girl is not interested in sexual intercourse must be lesbian. It's superficial. You have to look deeplu into her mind, she was psychologically disturbed and detached from people. Such woman exist and I know something about it!



Uh, I'm pretty sure that the person who started this thread and originally made that assumption was a lesbian.

Maybe you should look twice at your own behavior before calling people stupid.


Personally, I took it that she had only been antisocial since the accident. She didn't just push away men. She wasn't too crazy about people in general (nor am I). Remember the comments from the ministers?



boy did some reaching there huh.a woman frigid and scared of everything is all.



