MovieChat Forums > The 300 Spartans Discussion > Are they gonna reproduice this movie?

Are they gonna reproduice this movie?

yes or no?

''Do not stand between the darcula and his prey, feel the power of the Darkness''


ya its called 300 comin out next year, where have u been?


how did u know ?

''Do not stand between the darcula and his prey, feel the power of the Darkness''


Do NOT go and see 300, it's a load of crap. It is semi-fantasy with monsters and a rhino rider attacking the Spartans and Xerxes as a big black guy and AAAAARGHHH! I felt sick when I watched it!


Would that be the same '300' that's not out until March next year...?
No, of course not, how stupid of me, you must be referring to another '300' about the same thing that IS in theatres now, which HAS Xerxes as a big black guy and not the Persian messenger that Leonidas, according to history, kicked into a deep pit like he does in the trailer for the OTHER 300 that you obviously haven't seen, yet still see fit to pass judgment over. Watch it first before you call it a load of crap.


> Would that be the same '300' that's not out until March next year...? [...]
> Watch it first before you call it a load of crap.

Apparently some folks managed to go to one of the pre-screenings where the movie was already shown to them. Some stuff such as the music were apparently still not finished. But yes, there are people who have already seen "300" way before March 2007 and who are blogging about this. Most of their reviews are rather positive, I too wonder why the other guy up there called it "crap". It's a pop-corn flick and a rather good one I guess. If anyone wants an accurate history lesson they should go and watch "History Channel" or some documentary on BBC ....

300 will kick ass .... at least I hope so :)


300 is not a remake of 300 Spartans. 300 is based on the Frank Miller (creator of Sin City) comic of the same name. It roughly depicts the idea of the 300 Spartans that fought against 10,000 Persians. History has no place in a movie that looks this good.
Read the comic or do your research or shut the *beep* up.



Speaking of historical accuracy...

Historians generally believe that the numbers portrayed by all sides are fairly exaggerated. "300" is probably a lower number than there was, and the Persians probably had less than what is generally said.

Echoing others, this new 300 isn't attempting to be historically accurate. Its an artistic interpretation of the events, using fantastic elements.

There are many moments, of course, that are taken from the history books, and it is fairly accurate to the spirit of the stories, if not the letter. At any rate, its more historically accurate than that "Spartan: Total Warrior" game that came out.

That's right... who's laughing now... who's laughing now?


Frank Miller, brilliant as he is, does not spend his time researching historical wars. So unless grew up on mars, in a cave, with his eyes closed, and his fingers in his ears, then he probably wrote the graffic novel after he saw the original movie, which is quite well done but alittle weak on the effects, so I'm not surprised that he wanted to polish it up in his own way.

Anyways, I'm sure the movie will be excellent but rather than calling it a remake and bitching about it, just know that all it is is a retelling of the same story.

I mean there are much worse remakes out there that don't even pretend to cover up where they come from *cough* godzilla.


btw, miller did do research into the battle of the 300...and if you read the graphic novel, you will see that he does increase the troop levels of the greeks

not that it matters that much, they were still heavily outnumbered by the persion troops, and many of the greek soldiers were not professional soldiers


GO see it! It's full of kickass! Sure history is great, but the romanticism of the Battle of Thermoplyae is really what it is all about, 300 verses a million, its good fun, besides don't we already have a more acurate version right here? Just go see it, its gonna be good fun.


screamingeagle1 (Tue Nov 14 2006 10:54:29 )
Do NOT go and see 300, it's a load of crap. It is semi-fantasy with monsters and a rhino rider attacking the Spartans and Xerxes as a big black guy and AAAAARGHHH! I felt sick when I watched it!

LOL what a stupid nerd, Xerxes is not that "big black guy". Xerxes is played by the Brazilian actor RODRIGO SANTORO. :rolleyes
