MovieChat Forums > The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (1962) Discussion > This is to make you feel better. Dec 20 ...

This is to make you feel better. Dec 20 1979 part 2

JC, lifts up a barbie sized blonde doll. 'You don't think they have crazy dolls? Now Farrah, Farrah is still selling...ohhh excuse me that's Cheryl Ladd...they have already got rid of Farrah. picks up another doll, this one with tight blue Jeans, " Is that Farrah...ohhh that's Debbie Boone. Now you will not believe these folks, shows you how far the doll thing has gone in our society. Picks up a Barbie and Ken doll, Barbie is in a Bikini, Ken is just in swim trunks. " these are the Mattel dolls, Malibu Ken and Barbie, and let me show you why.: he pulls down a bit of Barbies top to show tan lines. " Audience whistles " If you peel off the halter they have tan marks. "
Ed: "Ohh Boy."
JC: " And even under there ," lifts up a bit of the dolls Bikini. " Is that wild. The Bikini comes off and she is not tanned underneath under her little bush. And this is called Ken and Malibu Barbie.......they also have leisure world barbie..has stretch marks on it."

Note: Not only is Jimmy Fallon going nowhere near this, he will do kids stuff like bottle flips or Lip synching, but nothing even remotely provocative. And the very idea that Carson said bush....shocking today, but harmless in 1979.

JC picks up another toy, some green 6 foot human looking thing with suction cups on it, that looks like molded green jello.
"This is called SUCKER MAN...has these little....little.."
JC: Suckers. I suppose you wet these, and Sucker Man will stick to Barbie or whatever you want. they get seven dollars and 50 cents.."
ED: 'For that!?"
JC: yes."
ED:" Thats about 50 cents a sucker."
JC: " That makes you the Suckeee."

Note: obviously double entendres abound. You can almost imagine Carson at a dress rehearsal for this segment saying...."for that price he better swallow too."
