MovieChat Forums > McHale's Navy (1962) Discussion > Why did Gary Vinson commit suicide?

Why did Gary Vinson commit suicide?

Christy was my favorite character when I was a kid. Anyone know why the actor who played him killed himself?


I read this at battlestarwiki:

"Rumored to be distraught over a criminal charge, Vinson committed suicide in 1984."

Now if that bastard so much as twitches, I'm gonna blow him right to Mars.


Thanks. I had also read of his suicide but could find no reason.

May He Rest In Peace!


This was on a blog site:

"09-02-2008, 03:57 AM
He was a family friend and we read and heard the same thing. I would have to believe the story, I have 1st hand knowledge that he molested children, I was 11yrs old and he molested me. Its sad, he was talented and a good guy but was sick.

Yes unfortunately its true!! Your site is cool and don't mean to put a dampener on things, but since somebody asked, I feel the truth has to be addressed!! Let the record reflect this guy was a real creep and sick alcoholic, demented pedophile. He molested (I think maybe even raped..??) a good friend of mine and another person I know too. The charges finally caught up to him and he blew his brains out because he couldn't deal with the label of a child rapist and molester. Welll at least he's dead now and cant hurt any more children. good riddance to bad rubbish!!"

My own personal thoughts on this? I believe the writer. My brother was molested by a church leader and took it out on his family, not at a young age, but at the age of 31. He told his wonderful parents to go to hell. When they died, he did what he could to destroy my life emotionally and financially. We've been estranged for years. Seems he became demented in the intervening years, just like Gary. I don't think there's any turning back once they've started.


Is there a reputable news account that confirms this story?
