Blue Eyelids?

I just watched the episode where Lucy wants Mooney to give her money for new furniture and she is spray-painting the couch that ugly brown color and Lucy and Viv sleep in the car and Lucy knocks it out of gear and sends it thru the wall.

At the very beginning, Lucy and Viv are both sporting blue eyelids. Why?

Was that for Mooney's benefit? Was it supposed to make them look younger?

I've always remembered comedian Cathy Ladman's bit where she is looking in the mirror, "maybe I would look better if my eyelids were blue. --- Where the hell did that come from?"

I thought of this looking at that episode.


Blue eyeshadow was in fashion in the 60s. It is distracting, isn't it? You see this throughout many of the color episodes from the early 60s.

My bigger issue is the print that Me-TV used when they showed it the other day - all scratchy and damaged. They are clearly using the old CBS daytime prints (later used during the Nick at Nite run) with the season 4-6 opening pasted onto the early episodes. The whole series was remastered for DVD - they should have insisted that CBS give them the remastered version.


Blue eyeshadow was in fashion in the 60s. It is distracting, isn't it? You see this throughout many of the color episodes from the early 60s.

That's true...

Don't play games with a girl who can play better.


It looked like they were going punk.


The blue eye shadow became her look on both The Lucy Show and Here's Lucy. However, It was freaking annoying when she wore it disguised as a man. I caught that even when I was a kid and thought it looked stupid.

Also bright blue and bright colors in general were used a lot during that period. You have to remember this was the early days of color television and the shows would explode with all kinds of colors. Just look at the original Star Trek, every color in the rainbow was used to paint the inside of the Enterprise.


The blue eye shadow became her look on both The Lucy Show and Here's Lucy.
I think she dropped that look in s.5 though, cause she looked more natural during s. 5 and the beginning of s. 6. I watched LUCY MEETS THE LAW and LUCY THE BABYSITTER a couple of days ago and don't recall that bright makeup. Plus, her lipstick was a much softer color then---a soft pink, rather than the hard, loud red it was in the early color seasons.

All in all, I think she looked her best in season 5 and maybe 6.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


Plus, her lipstick was a much softer color then---a soft pink, rather than the hard, loud red it was in the early color seasons.

Yes, I think her make-up looks so much better when it has subtle colors.

Don't play games with a girl who can play better.


Well at this point the show was being filmed in color but originally aired in black & white. I think they were still getting used to the transition. Lucy and Viv do look like clowns though, with the blue eye shadow and bright red lipstick. lol. I also love how they were in full makeup even when they are supposed to be waking up in the morning. XD



Lucy and Viv do look like clowns though, with the blue eye shadow and bright red lipstick. lol.


I also love how they were in full makeup even when they are supposed to be waking up in the morning.

I know , right! Like that one scene where Lucy tells Viv to go put on her make-up when it's pretty apparent that she's already wearing makeup! 

Don't play games with a girl who can play better.
