Pierre Jalbert

RIP Who pass away last night 01/22/2014


Always loved "Caje" May he rest in peace.

"Listen, I don't tan, I don't burn, I implode."


Caje is my second favorite.

I like your tagline. I pretty much 'implode' myself.

What would Sgt. Saunders do?


Thank you, the tag is from a Forever Knight episode. Nick speaking to Schanke. Can't remember which one though.

"Listen, I don't tan, I don't burn, I implode."


Wow. Just read your post now and found out about his death.

He was born to play a WWII American GI. He was the most ablest of the squad and would have been a great squad leader if Saunders was promoted to Lt.


RIP Caje.
