Why is everyone so harsh

on this movie??.. I thought it was good, i mean it's just a kid's science fiction film from the early sixties, what was everyone expecting?? Citizen Kane???


maybe because when we saw "prince of space" on mst3k, we thought that it couldn't possibly be any worse, and then they followed that up with this pile of garbage, which makes "prince of space" look like an oscar winner.


Agreed, twofold. This movie is bad in every way. From the lame costumes to that PACK of annoying kids in little shorts, this one is jsut dreadful. And the fact that Sonny Chiba played the main hero, yet the fight scenes were so bad that they were stunning...hell, a girl could have kicked his butt. And the stock footage was so prevalent that they made a joke about it not being stock footage at all, but stock-milage instead. I think three-fourths of it was stock footage, one-fourth terrible acting and ridiculous costumes. That is a recipe for disaster, let me tell you.


It even made Mike and the bots miss Prince of Space. That's how bad it was.

Let's be bad guys.


Well, there's Citizen Kane and Citizen Kane. But believe me, this is NO Citizen Kane!

RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


I liked this film. I thought the special effects were great but I did not know they perhaps came from this movie; WORLD WAR 3.



I liked INVASION OF THE NEPTUNE MEN a great deal. The optical effects of people matted close to exploding buildings are very effective. Some people assume it's actual footage from World War II or something but it's not. There are plenty of dog-fights between flying saucers and the hero's ship. By the way, almost no shots in this movie came from THE FINAL WAR, just to clarify.



I agree, most people don't remember the old Saturday matinee movies. They were just entertainment, not intended to be works of Art. I think this movie is a lot of fun and the special effects were pretty effective.


Because it's terrible, terrible, terrible. The plot goes nowhere, the Neptune Men are goofy, lumbering guys who never do anything but push buttons, and it's loaded with pointless stock footage. There are things children's movies can get away with that regular movies can't, but even by those lowered standards, this is awful. Look at Prince Of Space, which is very similar plotwise- that was pretty bad, but it has a silly charm that this one does not.

