Good Movie, But...

I hated the scene where the baby was playing with the lighter, and the grandmother slapped the baby's hand and butt and actually made the baby cry! Couldn't they have had the grandmother lightly tap the baby and use sound effects, making it sound louder, panned away from the baby's face and just played the sound of a baby crying? Cruel. I don't know why the actor baby's real mother allowed that.



[fight7] [giveup] [fight9] where DID these emoticons go?



Spanking was widely accepted if it was a danger to child.


I think the OP was referring to the movie. Maybe back then it was acceptable to actually cause the child to cry instead of using camera angles and sound effects. Sometimes they take advantage of a baby that's already in tears but this one clearly was not crying until he was hit.

Why would the child's real mother allow it? $$ Money $$

One of the parts I hated most is when the baby was on fire. It looked really fake. They should have gone with something else like the baby taking a tumble or having some other more believable yet equally serious accident.

They could have also left the poor baby alone and had someone else come down with a serious illness or have an accident in order to create the situation in which Susan must announce the baby is hers.


Yes, the movie is what I was referring to. Thank you. You stated it better than I could.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,"
~First Amendment
