Laurence Harvey's voice

to hear laurence harvey speak in his normal voice just about puts me under a spell, so i was disappointed to hear him in a southern accent in this. the accent wasn't atrocious like some put-on southern accents, but it didn't have the same mesmerizing effect.

however, he redeemed himself with this--i've always thought he looked very much like daniel craig in the face (or should i say daniel craig looks like him), and this movie confirmed that even more for me. this leads me to wonder was he ever considered to play james bond? he should've been. he had the right pedigree.

if the only movie he ever made was manchurian candidate, his performance in that was enough. love laurence harvey!


Couldn't agree more!



I know you. You're that person who patrols internet message boards when you don't have anything substantive to say about the topic at hand.

There is a key on your computer called "Shift" that allows you to type in proper English.

I'm so glad you brought up proper English. Is "Shift" the name of a poem? Is it a song, a short story, or chapter title? Could it be an article in a magazine or a newspaper? Is it the title of an essay? Could it be an episode title of a television show? Is it a statement made by another person?

I have always wondered who was the boy called Sue in the song "A Boy Named Sue" from Johnny Cash's At San Quentin album.


Considering I have only seen him in Brit pics, I was surprised to hear him speak in a Southern twang. It was OK in my opinion. I think he played a closeted bi-sexual in the British picture "Victim". I have heard about "Manchurian Candidate".
