Pat Hingle

This is one of my all time favorite movies. Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty were fantastic, but I feel like Pat Hingle stole every scene he was in. He was larger than life, kind of looks and sounds like what I imagine Teddy Roosevelt to be like. You could almost see his point of view, how he wanted the best for his son, even though he clearly went too far keeping his son away from Deanie and the sort of life that Bud really wanted. I know Hingle had other movie roles, after watching this I'm surprised he wasn't in more things. I know 1961 year had tough competition for Best Supporting Actor, but I think Hingle should have been nominated for an Oscar for this.


You could almost see his point of view, how he wanted the best for his son ...
I think we're supposed to, because as the Yale dean says, "he's not much of a listener, is he?"🐭


Very true. I watched his first scene with Beatty, and the acting is perfect. Poor Bud trying to get out what he wants from life, and his Dad bull dozing right over him- all while making it seem like "I love you, you can do anything you want..."


YES, Pat Hingle always was wonderful in every role I have seen him play. Very underrated.


I agree that Pat Hingle was terrific in this film. I saw Splendor in the Grass when it first came out and I had never heard of Hingle before but he was impressive.

And I think Warren Beatty was impressed with Hingle too, because years later, I don't remember which film it is, but it seemed like Beatty as doing an impersonation of Hingle. He speech patterns and rhythms sounded like Hingle in this film.

Watch for it.

"It costs extra to carve 'Schmuck' on a tombstone, but you would definitely be worth it."



Hingle was a scene stealer, no doubt about it.
