Scene Missing from this Movie ?

When I was a kid, I could have sworn that there was a scene in SW&3S where the 3 Stooges become trapped in an underwater kingdom, and frolic with water nymphs. The nymphs feed them, and then disappear. Discovering cocoanuts floating in a well, the 3 Stooges use them to escape through the water, back up to the surface, and back into the plot of the story.

Was this scene deleted from the current DVD of SW&3S, or else was this from some other 3 Stooges movie entirely ??

Thanks in advance !

"A bride without a head !"
"A wolf without a foot !"


Boy, have you got the WRONG movie!.


Thanks very much for your help, phillindholm ---

BTW, what would the right movie be ?

"J'ai l'oeil AMÉRICAIN !"


Not sure-there is an Italian live-action film called ''SEVEN DWARFS TO THE RESCUE'' (1951, released as a ''Kiddie Matinee'' in 1965)which does have a scene of the Dwarfs in an underwater kingdom. I haven't seen it in years (it's terrible) but the poster proclaimed, among other things ''See the underwater kingdom of the Sea Queens''. In black-and white, yet.


Is this the one where the Stooges go to the electric chair in the end?
