Who laughed when?

Ok, who came into this not knowing that Santo (Or samson in the English title0 was a mexican wrestler? I watched the MST3K version, and the first half of the movie seemed to be your typical vampire B-movie, a prophecy, people plotting how to stop the vampires, etc.

However, when Santo just appeared out of nowhere with mask and glittery cape, I died laughing out of pure surprise. Had I known what to expect, I probably wouldn't have laughed so hard, but the shock of him appearing in full superhero posture with the full outfit was too much at the time.

The wrestling in the movie was very good, though I am not a fan of wrestling, and I enjoyed the film as well as the riffs on it.


santo is more then a hero in mexico..he is a legend..its like our superman...he was so commited..he even was bueried with that outfit that you say


Yes, a typical horror vampire movie, and then a Mexican wrestler showed up. He's like a hero, a Mexican wrestler moon lighting as a vampire hunter. I laughed myself silly. The movie just crashed right there. It is perfect for MST3K, it's so bad.

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Wow, I didn't know he was buried in the outfit. That is real dedication. I enjoy Mexian wrestlers, but certainly was not expecting El Santo in the movie when I first saw it.


Well SUPERMAN is well known all over the world.
One of the shops in my grandmother's neighborhood sold Spanish verisons of Superman comics, the one I got had the SUPERMAN logo on the cover, but the stories were from "WORLD'S FINEST" Thats the one that teamed Super with Batman
This was the issue from 1958 or 59 where Superman breaks into the Batcave with some reporters



haha...yup, it just a bad movie until Samson shows up, and then it becomes downright hilarious. The fight scene on the lawn with the male vampires is one of the funniest things I've seen in ages.
Hooray for Mike Nelson and the good people at Mystery Science Theatre 3000!


you wont believe this..but this film was in cannes festival, and at that time was like the surreal must see film.


Really? I would like to read the news stories.

Now it an be reriffed with a lot of Kim Kardashian jokes. The head vampire reminds me of her.


After being yelled at by the head female vampire: (looking down at the floor)
"I'm a crappy vampire ..."


"I dedicate this song to Thorizene." (sp?)


It's rather funny how incompetent every other person is in the film:

- Orlof can't even just outright say what they need to protect his daughter from.

- Inspector Carlos is naively sure they can protect Diane, but his men fail at least twice.

- Tandra threatens to destroy her henchman, but is shortly thereafter cowed by Thorina, who also claims 'I will destroy you!' As well, Tandra just takes forever with Diane, causing her own demise.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)
