Louisa (Pina Pellicer)

Pina Pellicer did such a fine job in One Eyed Jacks. She was stunningly beautiful. Does anyone know if there are any other of her films available on DVD?

She committed suicide shortly after the completion of this film (in 1964). Does anyone know why or any details about her life?


She made the rest of her films in spanish,
before she made ONE EYED JACKS, she was in a movie titled: MACARIO
Directed by:
Gavaldon directed a few films in english,
one of Mexico's best directors,
MACARIO was nominated for an OSCAR, but didn't win, I think for the category of best foreign film; the cinematography of MACARIO was by GABRIEL FIGUEROA, he was nominated for best cinematography for THE NIGHT OF THE IGUANA, he worked in other hollywood productions, and he also worked with LUIS BUĂ‘UEL in a few films/LOS OLVIDADOS, NAZARIN, ECT.
No one knows why PILAR commited suicide, according to Ignacio Lopez Tarso, one of her co-stars in two films.
MACARIO is often shown on one of the two Mexican channels with classic movies, "DE PELICULA CLASICO", & "DE PELICULA", this channela are available on dishnetwork.
You might look for Pilar Pellicer on Amazon.com, they might have the DVD, I only recorded MACARIO on the DVD-R :)


Thanks for the info.



Pilar Pellicer is ager sister of Pina. Don't mix!


It was a terrific , dignified performance by Pina Pellicer. Apparently (according to Brando biographer Manso ) he treated her like *beep* It kind of makes sense that she committed suicide since she seems so tragic and vulnerable in this film.


I just heard she commited suicide shortly after filming this.
I think Brando *beep* her up in the head.


The most impressive thing about her is her incredible voice. Her voice is so beautiful, so loud and, in the same time, so feminine. When she appears in the movie, you understand that she will be one of the most important characters though she is just the daughter of Longworth. In the movie, her performance is so full of sadness and tragedy and you can feel that she is quite weak in front of all that.


why did brando play with her? fu*ck her in the head and do that? he was quite the bastard at times.


I don't think it is fair to blame Brando for her death at all. The movie was made in 1961 and she didn't pass away until December of 1964 three years after the movie was completed. She had pleanty of time to get over how Brando treated her if that is even true.


It is a shame we lost her so early because she was a beautiful talented actress.


Ok, I did some research because Brando is taking the rap for her death.

1. One Eyed Jacks was her FIRST acting job. It was not released first, but she ACTED chronologically in One Eyed Jacks first.

2. Everyone says she killed herself shortly after the movie was released, but she died in 1964, the movie was released in 1961, three years by my counting. So, the statement I read everywhere, she killed herself shortly after the release is wrong, three years is not shortly.

3. Prodution started in 1958,I think we can be quite sure that she filmed her parts between sometime in 1959 and, at the latest, 1960.Her relationship with Brando had to have taken place during 1959-1960, sorry, I don't think she killed herself four years later because Brando was mean to her or "fed her speed" to alter her performance as I read elsewhere.

Shoot, she most likely killed herself because she was 30 and her looks were fading, that makes as much sense as the Brando did it line. Or she was depressed, which makes sense, I would be too if I lived in Mexico City.


I don't know where you did your research gringott but no one is saying Brando killed her. Brando wasn't particularly nice to her (Manso book). That he was directly responsible for her death is of course ridiculous . As ridiculous as oh... saying she killed herself because she turned 30 or lived in Mexico City.


She was Beautiful, but I didn't like her voice. I thought it was too deep; like manly deep.
