
I agree with the people who said the movie was a little too long, too slow in places, and with various other criticisms, but Brando is so RIVETING to watch, I was too entranced to care. I was just happy to keep looking at him and was glad he was in almost every scene. He really seemed to be trying to perform well, which later on, he didn't always do.
It was so much better than another western he did later, with Jack Nicholson, "Missouri Breaks," where he obviously didn't care anymore and was just fooling his way through it, until he could pick up his pay check.


I fully agree with you. He is truly mesmerising in this, just his mere presence said a lot. Maybe it's because he directed this one as well as produced it, he had as much impute into the film as he could have ever asked for as well as having his own money involved.
This film is different than all the rest as it was not just simply a pay check and it was not just simply and acting job.

Also from reading a bunch of articles about the movie and Brando, he really seemed to enjoy making this movie.


It's called star power and you don't have it today. The actor captivates and holds the screen.
