MovieChat Forums > Night Tide (1963) Discussion > Captain Murdock's Address

Captain Murdock's Address

Can anyone tell me his address?

It appears to be "777 Saabek Lane", but I'm watching a bad transfer. Can someone with a good transfer verify this?


I've often tried to sort this one out myself. Like you,I don't have a good transfer.

I've even gone over the Venice street map with a magnifying glass.

However, as I understand, the house in question may have belonged to Mae Murray (?) - silent screen star


I have it as "777 Baabek Lane". I suppose it would be in Venice, CA.
The conversation between Dennis Hopper and Curtis Harrington on the accompanying audio commentary states that the house was the former villa of movie star Mae Murray.
I Googled Mae Murray and found this from 1940:
I then went to Google maps and typed in "64th Ave., Venice, CA".
This lead to a map that showed an empty lot at the foot of 64th and Pacific.
Maybe this is the area where the house was formerly located.


I second that it's 777 Baabek Lane.

Isn't 777 a number of significance in occultism?

A Clusty search for "Baabek" doesn't turn anything up, but it does turn up an awful lot of stuff about the city of Baalbek:

"Baalbeck is a city in eastern Lebanon famous chiefly for its magnificent, excellently preserved Roman temple ruins. It was a flourishing Phoenician town when the Greeks occupied it in 331 B.C. They renamed it 'Heliopolis' (City of the Sun). It became a Roman colony under the Emperor Augustus in 16 B.C. On its acropolis, over the course of the next three centuries, the Romans constructed a monumental ensemble of three temples, three coutyards, and an enclosing wall built of some of the most gigantic stones ever crafted by man. Some tourists believe that the construction can only be attributed to extra-terrestial artwork [sic]."


Here's another interesting fact. According to Wikipedia:

"Blue Grotto (Kastellorizo), [is] a cave on the coast of the Greek Island of Megisti (Kastellorizo)."

Good review, BTW, Gavin. :)

Gavin's full review may be found here:

Interesting that there's a direct Crowley connection to this film, as Crowley is the one I most associate the number 777 with.

I still don't love this movie, but it's always fun when a filmmaker inserts little references like that.
