I've seen the movie

this was a good movie and i thought it was eerie and clever film.


This is one of my favorite films. It has a mystique about it that is hard to describe but great to watch.


agreed. Great story line and it kept me in suspense. This film reminded me of a twilight zone episode


I just received this movie over the mail from Nina's Discount Oldies and finished watching it; I must say, it does fall into my category of all-time favorites, with its aura of mystery and suspense. Dennis Hopper was outstanding as the young sailor on leave who falls in love with the mysterious Linda Lawson. Despite a sad ending (when the "mermaid(?)" lies dead and motionless in the tank in the amusement park scene towards the end), it is otherwise another excellent film I could watch repeatedly on end....


Thanks for the spoiler alert. Anyway, I do remember seeing this on television when I was young. I have seen at least twice, maybe more. It has been many, many years since I have seen it. However, I do recall something unpleasant happening to the mermaid at the end.
