Why no DVD?

This would have been a perfect double feature with the Vincent Price vehicle, WAR GODS OF THE DEEP (which, for some reason, got paired up with AT THE EARTH'S CORE...a film that would have been more fittingly teamed with WARLORDS OF ATLANTIS).


I partially agree with you. I wouldn't make it a 2for1 but would love a commentary by Richard Matheson (if he is still alive) and/or Bill Warren (he of the must own book Keep watching the skies).

They don't make'm like they used to...


It's a good question. I've only seen portions of it here and there, but what I did see felt like it was on par with "The Time Machine" and "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (the early 1960's versions).

I remember "At the Eart's Core." Eh... I thought it was a bit of stinker myself, even for the time it was made. Still, prior to the Star Wars sci-fi revolution it was something to watch.


"Master of the World" was offered on DVD in the Vincent Price Midnight Movies collection a few years back but only if you bought the complete series for around $200.00. It never appeared separately outside the big pack.


what else was in the box set??


I'm amazed people even know this film exists- much less that it's not on DVD.

I thought I was the only one born twenty years after it's release who's seen it.


I must admit I was born 3 years after its release and still think its a fun movie to watch and wish that they would release it as a DVD.


MGM should be giving this, and Price's WITCHFINDER GENERAL (aka THE CONQUEROR WORM) a Region 1 DVD release on September 11.



There is a DVD in Spain, Released this Year (March 2008).
Sound in English and Spanish, Run Time 95 min (PAL, incl. 4 % Pal Speedup).
The Picture is 1.85:1 but not enhanced.
Quality is okay.


I have it on DVD (all regions - in english, runtime 102 minutes). It is put out by SMARTY PANTS Entertainment. It is a DVD-R, the front of the case says "digitally remastered", but the source must have been a fairly bad video because the picture quality is not the greatest, to say the least. The back of the case says "www.accomics.com". So if you are interested, check that out in your search engine and pick up a copy.

It is nice to have it, but upon watching it again after many, many years, it is evident that this is clearly not Bronson or Price's best movie, although they are not to blame as much as the all-too-apparent low budget.


It has been out for quite some time....
